71. Activity (Rajoguna)

I recognize the power of action and activity in my life, but remain balanced by connecting my actions with inner peace and awareness.
By harmonizing Rajoguna with Sattva, I act without attachment to outcomes, letting my activities be guided by wisdom and balance.
Om Rajase Namah
Om Karmaya Namah
Rajoguna is the activity in consciousness, or consciousness in activity. After reaching the eighth plane and failing to attain Cosmic Consciousness, the player is drawn on by karma, activity. This activity is the cause of all suffering. It predisposes one who is acting, and he is liable to fall prey to ambition and grow fond of rewards. Any obstacle in the course of pursuing a reward, or a desire, causes pain, suffering, and sorrow. When rajoguna dominates, pain and agony can be the result.
In samadhi the player dissolves rajoguna into satoguna and becomes pure light, sattva. If rajoguna remains, the player cannot attain samadhi, and tamas drags him back to earth. Because karmas accumulate and generate frequencies of vibration, these patterns take on form and become subject to the game.
As a guna, rajoguna balances sattva and tamas. Tamas tries to dominate sattva. Sattva tries to dominate tamas. Both are extremes of energy in guna form. Rajas tries to keep sattva and tamas in balance and makes the world of pleasure and pain, name and form, possible. No guna can exist by itself.
Rajoguna is active from three hours after sunrise to the evening when the sun starts setting. During this period the planet earth becomes active, and all the karmas concerning the preservation of life are performed. Rajas makes the player perfectly extrovert—and when he ceases to be an extrovert, rajoguna becomes an internal dialogue. Without conversation of rajas into sattva, the achievement of higher states of consciousness is not possible. By employing rajoguna in sattvic jobs one can remain in sattva while active.
Here's an artwork visualizing the concept of rajoguna, depicting the balance between sattva and tamas as described in the text. The scene includes ethereal representations of the three gunas, with sattva and tamas as opposing forces and rajoguna as the balancing element. The color transition from sunrise to sunset reflects rajoguna's activity throughout the day. The vibrant and active earth symbolizes the performance of karmas, and abstract forms and patterns illustrate rajoguna as both an external force and an internal dialogue. This artwork aims to capture the essence of pursuing higher consciousness and maintaining balance in activity.
Eighth plane reached, but not quite there
Karma's pull, a restless snare
The dance continues, forever in motion
Action's echo, across the ocean
Tamas whispers, pulls us down
Back to earth, where karma's bound
Sattva and Tamas, locked in strife
Rajas fuels the dance of life
Click the die of karma.
Then click the corresponding number to advance.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
When you throw more than 1, you stay in Rajoguna
Leela (Eng) - TheLifeArtist.org - Healing Earth.org
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