45. Right Knowledge (Suvidhya)

I live in harmony with the universal truth, with my thoughts, words, and actions united with the divine.
Through true knowledge, I am connected to the essence of life and the cosmic whole.
Om Vidyayai Namah
Om Tat Sat Vidyaya Namah
Right knowledge
Whereas gyana is awareness of truth, right knowledge incorporates behavior (practice) with awareness, a combination that lifts the player to the eighth plane and the plane of cosmic good. He is now one square away from his goal. He attains the realization that he is a microcosm of the universe, an ocean in the form of a drop.
According to Hindu tradition there are fourteen vidyas, spokes on the wheel of truth. These fourteen are the dimensions of knowledge and contain all that is required for man to know and understand reality. These are the four vedas, six shastras, dharma, nyaia (logic), mimansa (critical understanding), and the Puranas. In an industrial society, however, knowledge has assumed a new guise. Now what is called knowledge has been reduced to the level of information, capable of being programmed into a computer. But human consciousness is more than a computer. Right knowledge requires experience.
Right knowledge adds to gyana a new dimension, the realization that past, present, and future are one; they are aspects of a single continuum. While wisdom can dictate one course of action, right knowledge can demand its opposite. Out of wisdom the disciples renounced Christ. Out of right knowledge Christ allowed his own death — knowing that subtle principles always outweigh the value of material forms.
Right knowledge is the food of consciousness and saves it from the snakes of irreligiosity, sorrow, jealousy, envy, ignorance, violence, egotism, tamas, and the inert negative intellect. Right knowledge strengthens the inner voice. Suvidya tames the tiger of the mind and converts the forest of desires into a garden of interpersonal evolution.
Vidya comes from the root vid, meaning to know. The most ancient form of knowing was the state of samadhi, in which the answer is obtained by undergoing a direct experience of reality. Thus all Hindu knowledge is known as darhan, meaning to see or to experience. Knowing is becoming one with the object to be known. This is vidya, right knowledge.
With right knowledge comes the end of the fifth chakra, the fifth row of the game. The minute the player attains a full realization of the oneness of himself and the cosmos, he becomes one with the ultimate reality and reaches the plane of Rudra (Shiva), cosmic good.
Here is the artwork vividly embodying the concept of 'Right Knowledge' (suvidya) within a spiritual realm. The central female figure is a profound representation of the harmonious integration of behavior and awareness, ascending to the eighth plane of cosmic good. She embodies the universe within herself, an ocean encapsulated in a drop, signifying the depth and breadth of her enlightenment.
The background is intricately adorned with elements from the fourteen vidyas of Hindu tradition, each woven into the fabric of the artwork. This symbolizes a comprehensive understanding of true knowledge, ranging from the Vedas and Shastras to the concepts of dharma, nyaia, mimansa, and the Puranas.
Illustrating the transformation from a forest of desires to a garden of interpersonal evolution, the artwork marks the journey towards enlightenment and unity with the cosmos. The use of colors and composition evokes a sense of profound enlightenment and the transcendence of the mind's limitations.
This scene captures the essence of becoming one with the object of knowledge, encapsulating the profound realization of oneness with the cosmos. It's a visual tribute to the attainment of right knowledge, characteristic of reaching the plane of Rudra (Shiva), the realm of cosmic good, symbolizing the ultimate realization in spiritual evolution.
Her face, lit up with a smile of realization and understanding, beautifully captures this moment of enlightenment. Her serene meditation pose and flowing long hair add to her enlightened appearance.
The artwork is surrounded by clear and distinct symbols representing the fourteen vidyas of Hindu tradition, including the four Vedas, six Shastras, dharma, nyaia, mimansa, and the Puranas. These symbols are artistically integrated into the piece, highlighting the profound knowledge and spiritual depth she has attained.
The mood of the artwork is one of enlightenment, joy, and profound spiritual awakening. It captures the essence of sudden realization and the beauty of attaining true knowledge, symbolizing a moment where everything suddenly makes sense in the realm of spiritual understanding.
Human consciousness is more than a computer.
Right knowledge requires experience.
Vidya's root, the act to know,
samadhi's state, where wisdom's flow,
True knowledge dawns, with open eyes,
to see beyond the shifting skies/
Gyan's light, a spark, a guiding star,
With action joined, it reaches far.
Fourteen vidyas, wisdom's spokes they spin.
Vedas chant, Shastras guide us in.
Dharma leads, reason by its side.
Mimansa asks, Puranas light!
Suvidya tames the tiger of the mind and converts the forest of desires into a garden of interpersonal evolution.
Suvidya tames the tiger of the mind and converts the forest of desires into a garden of interpersonal evolution.
Suvidya's touch, the tiger sleeps,
Desires' forest, gently weeps.
Fifth chakra fades, a truth embraced,
Rudra's plane, the cosmic good,
At last embraced.
Proceed to 67. Rudra Loka, the Cosmic Good
Leela (Eng) - TheLifeArtist.org - Healing Earth.org
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